Greetings from Festival Beach Community Garden! See our website at ¡Están bienvenidos al jardín! Para más información sobre el jardín, por favor llame á Priya Reddy (512) 703- 7624 o mande un email á Our official Grand Opening Celebration on Saturday, June 4th from 10am to 1pm included a proclamation from Mayor Lee Leffingwell and greetings by Sustainable Food Center Board President Sara Bohn, Austin Parks and Recreation Director Sarah Hensley, Austin Parks Foundation Board President Jill Nokes, and many garden experts! Hundreds of gardeners and guests were served local food and drinks, and enjoyed music, garden tours, and lots of laughter! Thanks to the many neighborhood businesses who contributed donations especially Eastside Pies who used vegetables grown in our garden as toppings on the pizzas they donated. We welcome gardeners AND non-gardeners to get involved in a number of ways: · Participate in a workday. See what the garden is all about, pitch in, and learn from local experts. Workdays are held on the 2nd Saturday of each month. Drop by and dig in! · Suggest a topic for our educational series or attend a gardening demonstration. We are seeking topics and instructors for our educational series. Want to learn more about gardening, composting, sustainability, cooking veggies, or other topic? Or want to share your knowledge on a particular subject? Let us know! · Join the Festival Beach Community Garden Planning Group. We meet on the 4th Wednesday of each month, 6:00 p.m., at the Terrazas Library meeting room. 1105 E. Cesar Chavez St. · Donate. We gratefully accept donations in the form of garden tools, equipment and materials. Monetary donations are used to subsidize garden plots for low income gardeners, as well as purchase and maintain equipment. Please contact us for more information. · Rent a plot. 10’ x 20’ plots rent for $30/year with community plots and scholarship plots, based on availability. We hope to see you in the garden soon! For more information about the garden please contact Kaela Champlin (512) 567-0740 or email ¡Muchas gracias! |
Thanks to Perry Lorenz for donations to keep The Grapevine FREE! |