October 16th, 2013 ECCNPT Meeting Agenda *AT RBJ*

ECCNPT Meeting Agenda 10/16/2013 6pm at RBJ Meeting Room.

Round of Introductions.

6PM Citizen Communications: 15 minutes maximum, first come, first served.

Committee Reports and Possible Action Items:

Treasurer’s report: Update from Treasurer

Crime and Safety: Report from Commander’s Forum held Oct. 8th, discuss and take possible action. Discuss Halloween Block Party on Haskell Street.

Local Historic District: Updates, if any.

Land Use & Design Committee: Updates, if any.

Affordable Housing Committee: Updates, if any.

Traffic and Transportation Committee: Parking Crunch Committee will hold a community meeting on Monday, Oct. 21st at 4 pm at Sanchez Elementary School to get a presentation by the COA Parking staff about available options to control parking in our area.

Economic Development Committee: Updates, if any.

Tejano Walking Trail Committee:  Report on Sept 20 Happy Hour recruitment event and how the government shutdown is affecting our National Parks Service planning process.

Communication Committee: Updates, if any.

Parks and Environment Committee: Updates, if any.

Education Committee: Updates, if any.

Nominations Committee: Appoint John Hernandez to represent ECC on I-35 group being formed by Sen. Watson, TXDOT and COA Transportation Dept.

Approve minutes from last meeting.

Action Items:

  1. Discuss and approve reimbursement to Lori for website-related subscriptions.
  2. Discuss and take possible action to support development goals, teams and/or uses for the Saltillo Tract in reference to the Cap Metro RFP.
  3. Discuss and take possible action for adopting an informal policy/educational outreach on when it’s appropriate to call 911 on suspicions.