September 16, 2015 Agenda


East Cesar Chavez Neighborhood Plan Contact Team September 16, 2015, 6:00PM

Terrazas Branch Library, 1105 E. Cesar Chavez St., Austin, TX 78702

  1. 6:00 Introductions
  2. 6:05 Citizen Communications
    • Ricardo Hernandez, Chair, and Anna Maciel, Board Member, Mexican American Cultural Center (MACC)- Update/Report
    • Chantal Eldridge, Candidate for 450th District Court Judge in Travis County
    • Christian Duran, Requesting Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for café – 910 E. César Chavez St
    • Edie Cassell, Community School Tour & Conversation at Brook Elementary, Sept 24
  1. 6:20 Approval of Minutes from August 19, 2015 meeting
  1. 6:25 Removal of ECCNPCT Business Representative: Michael Casias

Action Item: A letter of notification was circulated by the ECCNPCT chairman to all voting members on September 11, 2015 requesting resignation or removal of Michael Casias as a voting member, business representative, and land use committee member.

  1. 6:35 Candidate for ECCNPCT Sector 6 Representative: Leslie Thompson

         Action Item: Leslie Thompson introduced herself and presented a bio at August meeting.

  1. Committee Reports:

6:40        Bike and Pedestrian Committee Report: Kathryn Flowers

6:45        Communications Committee Report: Sara Pedrosa, Edie Cassell

6:50        Land Use Committee Report: Gwen O’Barr, Lyon Gegenheimer

7:00        Short-Term Rental (STR) Committee Report: Kristen Hottop

Action Item: Support for City Council’s proposed STR ordinance resolutions and related amendments under consideration.

  1. 7:15 RBJ Redevelopment Project, Elena Rodriguez and David Stauch

Presentation & Discussion Item: RBJ Redevelopment Project’s Community Engagement Team and architects will give a project update with sketches and more details.

  1. 7:45 Proposed Moratorium on Beer/Wine Licenses: Sara Strother

Action Item: Ask County Judge, Sarah Eckhardt, not to approve any more beer/wine licenses within the ECCNP area without discussing the requests with ECCNPCT – or -­‐ place a moratorium on beer/wine licenses in ECC.

  1. 7:55 Variance Request for 1211 Taylor Street: Anna Katsios, Richard Kooris

Action Item: Request for a letter of support – In order to construct a new single family home and secondary apartment, applicant requests variances to residential lot:

  • Decrease minimum front yard setback from 25 feet (required) to 20 feet (requested).
  • Decrease rear yard requirements for through lot from 25 ft (required) to 15 ft (requested).
  • Decrease minimum lot size for Two-Family Residential Use from 7000 sqft (required) to 5688 sqft (requested). Richard Kooris, Applicant; Anna Katsios, Matt Fajkus Architecture
  1. 8:05 Update- proposed CUP for 1704 César Chavez St; Terrazas Parking Lot:   Michael Casias
  1. 8:15 Cesar Chavez Street Smart Growth Master Plan Update: Ken Johnson
  2. Cesar Chavez Street Coalition Update: Edie Cassell
  1. 8:25 Adjourn