October 21, 2015: ECC-NPCT Agenda

Please find attached the agenda for the ECC-NPCT monthly meeting.

All are welcome to attend this meeting at 6:00pm on Wednesday, October 21, 2015 at the Terrazas Branch Library, 1105 E. César Chavez Street, Austin, TX 78702

ECCNPCT-Agenda-102115 v2


East Cesar Chavez Neighborhood Plan Contact Team

October 21, 2015     6:00PM

Terrazas Branch Library, 1105 E. Cesar Chavez St., Austin, TX 78702

  1. 6:00 Introductions
  2. 6:05 Citizen Communications:

Alexander Loredo – Homeless Students Project

  1. 6:15 Approval of Minutes from September 16, 2015 meeting
  1. 6:20 Palm Elementary Building: Commissioner Margaret Gomez

Action Item: Discussion and possible vote in support of preservation of Palm Elementary Building

  1. 6:35 City of Austin Survey: Jackie Chuter

Presentation & Discussion Item: The survey asks individuals to choose which recommendations from the adopted neighborhood plan are most important in the neighborhood today. Responses provide important input to the City’s Capital Improvement Program planning process and to annual department work programs.

  1. 6:40 Plaza Saltillo Development: Elizabeth Purcell

Action Item: Discussion regarding preservation of Pine Street Station buildings at 5th and  Waller Streets which are part of the Plaza Saltillo re-Development

  1. 6:50 Waller Creek Conservancy: Alyssa Nunez

Presentation & Discussion Item: No further details available

  1. 6:55 ECCNPCT Resignations:

Action Item: Accept resignations of Business Representative Michael Cassias and Land Use Committee Co-chairs Gwen O’Barr and Lyon Gegenheimer

  1. 7:00      Nominations for vacated ECCNPCT positions:

Possible Action Item: Nominate, discuss, and vote to fill vacated committee and representative positions on the ECCNPCT

  1. 7:05 Land Use Committee Report: Shawn Sommerville

Presentation and Discussion Items: Updates on Redevelopment of Chalmers and César Chavez Street project; Redevelopment of car wash on César Chavez Street at Comal; Development of Bluebonnet Café, 910 E. César Chavez Street.

  1. 7:20 Communications Committee Report: Sara Pedrosa, Lori Renteria

Possible Action Items: Discussion of schedule for ECCNPCT Administrative Workshop for team members and committee leaders (retreat); Discussion of changing ECCNPCT monthly meeting day from 3rd Wednesday of month to 3rd Tuesday of month.

  1. 7:30 Bike and Pedestrian Committee Report: Edie Cassell (for Kathryn Flowers)

Presentation & Discussion Items: Update on bike and pedestrian projects active or upcoming in ECC neighborhood

  1. 7:40 Adjourn