Community Policing Study – City of Austin

The City of Austin has hired a consulting firm, the Matrix Consulting Group, to conduct a Community Policing Study to help the City evaluate the current delivery of police services to its citizens. 
Please fill out this citizens’ survey to provide your input for this study.

The consultants will use the input provided to assist the Austin Police Department make improvements in police/ community relations and programs that involve the community in its crime fighting efforts.
What are your perceptions of safety and how the APD addresses these concerns?
Please post your comments/concerns here or email or call a representative of the East Cesar Chavez Neighborhood Plan Contact Team (ECCNPCT).
What are your views about:
• The state of Police / community interactions overall.
• What District Representatives do to support citizens and potential improvements.
• The effectiveness of problem resolution when the Police are called.
If you have any questions about the study, please contact Richard Brady, Matrix Consulting Group,

Thank you!