Working Group Meeting to Explore Neighborhood Plan Mergers – ECC & Holly

The Working Group charged with discussing the implications of merging neighborhood plan boundaries of the East Cesar Chavez neighborhood with the Holly neighborhood met on February 6 and then again on February 20 at the Camacho Rec Center, located at 34 Robert T Martinez Jr St, Austin, TX 78702.

Ana DeFrates, Holly Neighborhood Coalition Co-chair facilitated the meetings and José Valera, Chair of the East Cesar Chavez Neighborhood Plan Contact Team, also attended, along with members of the ECC and Holly neighborhoods.

Background: Last month, Ana DeFrates of the Holly Neighborhood Coalition and Bertha Delgado of the East Town Lake Citizens Neighborhood Association attended the East Cesar Chavez contact team January 2017 meeting to formally request a working group to explore the implications of merging neighborhood plans boundaries for the Holly and East Cesar Chavez neighborhoods. The East Cesar Chavez contact team unanimously approved the creation of this working group. NOTE: The approval to create a working group does not mean express approval to merge neighborhood boundaries.

The Holly Neighborhood believes “we are stronger together.” It is their position that merging neighborhood plan boundaries for the Holly and East Cesar Chavez neighborhoods is the most viable option for creating a contact team that works for the entire community.

If you are interested in contributing to this discussion, we invite you to join the next working group meeting on Monday, March 6 at 6:30 PM at the Camacho Rec Center, located at 34 Robert T Martinez Jr St, Austin, TX 78702.
For more information, please contact the meeting facilitator Ana DeFrates, Holly Neighborhood Coalition Co-chair at