Check out a new community blog about our neighborhood and on the east side in general. See it here:

Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan enters the 3rd phase and needs a few good volunteers to join Working Groups to develop creative strategies and actions to implement a new Plan sometime in 2012 .  Here’s the Groups you can join: Land Use Land Use, City Design, and Historic Resources Transportation Housing and Neighborhoods Economy Environmental Resources and Open Space City Wastewater, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water, Recreation and Open Space  Society and Culture, Health and Human Services; Education, Children, and Families; Arts, and Creativity

or call Larry at 974-6004

Text Box: KEY TO MAP
Sector 1:
Molly O’Halloran
Sector 2:
Cesar Alex Sylva
Sector 3
Lauren Shallcross
Sector 4:
Kathy McWhorter
Sector 5:
Jo Staton
Sector 6:
  Sabino Renteria
Sector 7:
Jeff Thompson
Sector 8:
Susan Benz

Resident Sector Map. We’ve divided our area into geographic sectors so all parts of the plan area have a voice

We want to thank John Michael Cortez, representing Cap Metro, and Michael Casias, owner of Esperanza Development Co., for their service on the ECC Leadership Team representing non-profits and businesses.  These gentlemen agreed to step down because it became difficult for them to attend our monthly meetings.  John Michael has a new baby to tend to though we really enjoyed little Isabella attending our meetings. He will continue to be our neighborhood liaison with Metro. Michael’s work developing affordable housing is taking him out of town more frequently but he has vowed to stay active with our efforts as his time allows.  Know that we all appreciated your insights and the respect you showed for our neighborhood plan goals. Hasta la vista, amigos!

Thanks to Perry Lorenz for donations to keep The Grapevine FREE!