Go Repair! A Home Repair program For lower income folks with need for basic and emergency repairs, more rules apply. Info? Call Fernando at 974-3114 |
Historic Preservation Efforts Update: a big success! THANKS TO ALL! |
Last Chance to be a Charter Member of the Friends of the MACC $10 student rate * $25 individual rate $100 corporate, business, institutional rate (Charter membership rates will increase in October) Hey Artists: LOGO CONTEST UNDERWAY! See our Facebook Page or Contact Treasurer Jose Velasquez 695-4657 |
Thanks for riding Capital Metro! As Capital Metro begins to plan for the 2012 budget, the agency would like to invite the community to learn more about where Capital Metro’s money comes from, how it is spent, and what they are planning for next year. They also want to hear community ideas on how they can improve the budget. For the video, survey, and meeting information, visit: www.capmetro.org and look for the Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Development link. When you are done watching, share the video and survey with your friends, co-workers, neighbors and anyone you know who wants to have a say in Cap Metro’s budget. Not on the internet? Call John Michael Cortez at 369-6201, se habla espańol! |
RBJ Senior Residential Center Master Plan update is now online See www.rbjcenter.org or call Ashley at 477-1018 or email ashley@estilopr.com. Se habla espańol.
Community meetings for residents and neighbors held over the last few months has been very positive and continued support by our neighborhood could possibly double the number of truly affordable housing for seniors and add services that could be used by existing and future residents at RBJ and for those neighbors who want to bike or walk to local retail outlets. The next community meeting is in the works for later this summer. You can learn more about the goals of the Board of Directors who will ultimately decide what to do with their land or get on the meeting notice list by contacting Ashley or visiting the new website. |
Have a hand to lend? Or need a hand? The new Holly Neighbors Helping Neighbors initiative welcomes you! The Holly Neighbors Helping Neighbors initiative aims to help neighbors support each other, connecting those with hands to lend with neighbors who live in the Holly Neighborhood and could use a hand. Get involved today, and support their first action project on August 13th! Elizabeth Walsh, Jose Velasquez, and a growing group of committed neighbors have scheduled a work day to help one neighbor in need with some basic home repair and yard work. To get involved or find out more, Contact Elizabeth at 524-1098 or Elizabeth.Walsh@gmail.com |
A one-stop-shop for all human service needs! Call 211 (24/7) or go to www.211centraltexas.org Info and referrals for food, housing, health, education and other emergency and crisis services. |