August 21, 2013 ECCNPT Meeting Agenda

ECCNPT Meeting Agenda 08/21/2013 6pm

Round of Introductions.

6PM Citizen Communications: 15 minutes maximum, first come, first served.

  • Celso Baez
    • TOD policy and timeline draft

Committee Reports and Possible Action Items:

Treasurer’s report: Update from Treasurer

Crime and Safety: Updates, if any.

Local Historic District: Updates, if any.

Land Use & Design Committee: Updates, if any.

Affordable Housing Committee: Updates, if any.

Traffic and   Committee: Updates, if any.

Economic Development Committee:

  • Discuss Kebabalicious Outdoor Music Permit application.
  • Discuss TOD policy and the need to include:
    • All housing in TOD will have at least 20% affordability at 50% MFI for rental units and 60% for home ownership
    • Any historical landmarks or historical rail road infrastructure (round houses, Texaco Depot, warehouses, etc) be identified and preserved in or near any TOD station area

Tejano Walking Trail Committee:

  • Councilmember Mike Martinez’ Campaign is donating 204$ to the ECCNA for a one year subscription to Survey Monkey.
  • We did not get the Keep Austin Beautiful mini-grant for the Nash Hernandez Orchestra Statue.
  • Kickoff to present info and recruit new volunteers to join our 4 working groups for the strategic planning process facilitated by the Nation Parks Service. Tejano Trails Happy Hour, Friday, September 20th from 5-7 pm at the Scoot Inn.

Communication Committee: Updates, if any.

Parks and Environment Committee: Updates, if any.

Approve minutes from last meeting.

Action Items:

  1. 1. Discuss and take possible action on Cheer Up Charlie’s Outdoor Music Permit.
  2. 2. Discuss and take possible action regarding the TOD policy and timeline draft.
  3. 3. Discuss and take possible action for variance request at 1211 Holly st.
  4. 4. Discuss and take possible action to reconsider our I-35 improvement endorsement as requested by Austin Neighborhood Council: East.