ECCNPT Meeting Agenda 08/21/2013 6pm
Round of Introductions.
6PM Citizen Communications: 15 minutes maximum, first come, first served.
- Celso Baez
- TOD policy and timeline draft
Committee Reports and Possible Action Items:
Treasurer’s report: Update from Treasurer
Crime and Safety: Updates, if any.
Local Historic District: Updates, if any.
Land Use & Design Committee: Updates, if any.
Affordable Housing Committee: Updates, if any.
Traffic and Committee: Updates, if any.
Economic Development Committee:
- Discuss Kebabalicious Outdoor Music Permit application.
- Discuss TOD policy and the need to include:
- All housing in TOD will have at least 20% affordability at 50% MFI for rental units and 60% for home ownership
- Any historical landmarks or historical rail road infrastructure (round houses, Texaco Depot, warehouses, etc) be identified and preserved in or near any TOD station area
Tejano Walking Trail Committee:
- Councilmember Mike Martinez’ Campaign is donating 204$ to the ECCNA for a one year subscription to Survey Monkey.
- We did not get the Keep Austin Beautiful mini-grant for the Nash Hernandez Orchestra Statue.
- Kickoff to present info and recruit new volunteers to join our 4 working groups for the strategic planning process facilitated by the Nation Parks Service. Tejano Trails Happy Hour, Friday, September 20th from 5-7 pm at the Scoot Inn.
Communication Committee: Updates, if any.
Parks and Environment Committee: Updates, if any.
Approve minutes from last meeting.
Action Items:
- 1. Discuss and take possible action on Cheer Up Charlie’s Outdoor Music Permit.
- 2. Discuss and take possible action regarding the TOD policy and timeline draft.
- 3. Discuss and take possible action for variance request at 1211 Holly st.
- 4. Discuss and take possible action to reconsider our I-35 improvement endorsement as requested by Austin Neighborhood Council: East.