February 19th, 2014 ECCNPT Meeting Agenda

ECCNPT Meeting Agenda 02/19/2014 6pm

Round of Introductions.

6PM Citizen Communications: 5 minutes


6:15PM Action Items: 15 minutes

John Burnham – Argyle Residential

o Presentation of development plan for Plaza Saltillo.

Action Item: Discuss and take possible action to support Argyle Residential team.


Mark Rogers – Saltillo Collaborative

o Presentation of updated development plan for Plaza Saltillo.

Action Item: Discuss and take possible action to maintain support of Saltillo Collaborative team.


Dennis McDaniel and Richard Kooris

o Presentation of plan for Osten Hall at 901 East 6th St.

o Action Item: Discuss and take action to write a letter of support for this project.


Patrick Clark – Zilker Brewing o Introduction to the neighborhood and present their project and talk about a conditional use variance.

o Action Item: Discuss and take action to write a letter of support for this project.


o Action Item: Discuss and take possible action to support an amended outdoor music agreement for Wonderland.


o Action Item: Discuss and take action to approve yearly dues of $35 for ANC membership.

Committee Reports and Possible Action Items:

Treasurer’s report: Update from Treasurer

Crime and Safety: Updates, if any.

Local Historic District: Updates, if any.

Land Use & Design Committee: o Community in a Box meeting.

Affordable Housing Committee: Updates, if any.

Traffic and Transportation Committee: Updates, if any.

Economic Development Committee:

o Looking for input regarding the date and agenda for the next business mixer.

Tejano Walking Trail Committee:  Updates, if any.

Parks and Environment Committee:

o Kathleen  McWhorter to step down.

o My Park Day is on March 1st. Need volunteers.



Approve minutes from last meeting.