June 18th, 2014 ECCNPT Meeting Agenda

6:00 Introductions

6:05 Citizen Communication

6:20 Approval of Minutes
Action Item: Approve the minutes from the April and May meetings.

6:25 1106 Lambie St. –Annette Moreno – MX3 Homes
Propose four single detached units on 0.189 acres requesting variances.
Action Item: Discuss and take possible action regarding setback and impervious coverage exemption requests for 1106 Lambie St.

6:55 ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit) discussion.
Action Item: Discuss and take possible action regarding ADU’s and recent City Council resolutions.

7:20 Holly Shores Master Plan updates from 6/12/14 meeting
Action Item: Discussion and possible action regarding Holly Shores Master Plan.

7:30 I-35 Redevelopment
Action Item: Discuss and take possible action to clarify ECCNPT’s position on I-35 redevelopment.

7:40 Discuss property tax levy mechanism.
Action Item: Discuss and take possible action to draft a statement concerning support for reformation of property tax levy mechanism.

7:50 Discuss the complaint of high speed and noise on Chicon south of Cesar Chavez.

7:55 Review sector positions for vacancies.

8:00 Adjourn