Special Meeting: April 4,2016

The East Cesar Chavez Neighborhood Plan Contact Team has called a special meeting on Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at 6:00 pm at Terrazas Library, to consider the request for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the office development being planned for 1634 East Cesar Chavez. The CUP would allow the project to include three restaurants, one that would be permitted to serve alcoholic beverages.

Conditional Use Permits must be approved by the city and the ECC Contact Team will write a letter to the Austin Planning Commission stating whether or not we think the restaurants are a good fit for our neighborhood.

Attached you will find the agenda for the special meeting and a presentation provided by the project’s developer.

Our team would like to hear your feedback on the project. You are welcome to attend the special meeting on Tuesday, April 5 or reach out to members of our Contact Team to voice your opinion. Contact information for our sector, business, and nonprofit representatives can be found on our website.

Cesar Chavez Office Development Presentation

Special Meeting Agenda 4-5-16