Historic Landmark Commission Supports Preserving ECC History

The ECC NCT Historic Preservation Committee (HPC), led by longtime committee chair Amy Thompson has been working tirelessly to research, document, and advocate for preserving the history of the ECC Neighborhood. Because of the committee’s dedication and hard work, the City of Austin Historic Landmark Commission (HLC) voted in support of preserving the history of ECC in two separate and unanimous votes.

At Their April 24, 2017 meeting, the HLC initiate historic zoning for 1401 East Third Street (former home of Juan and Carmen Castillo – Mexican immigrants who settled in Austin following the revolution), and voted to direct the Austin’s Historic Preservation office to develop a local historic district for the properties on the 1400 block of East Third Street. 

To learn more about the history of the Castillo home, the proposed historic district and the efforts of the ECC NCT Historic Preservation Committee, read the HPC’s April report (click the link below), or contact committee chair Amy Thompson.

ECC NCT Historic Preservation Committee April 2017 Report

City of Austin Historic Preservation Office Website