ECCNPCT Vacancies: Join Us!

The East César Chavez Neighborhood Plan Contact Team is recruiting new members to fill several open seats on our Leadership Team. Vacancies include:

  • Four Residential Reps (in Sectors 2, 4, 5, and 8)
  • One Renter Rep
  • One Non-profit/Civic Rep
  • One Business Rep

Members of the ECCNPCT are Austin residents who live in, work in, or own property within the established East Cesar Chavez Neighborhood (ECC) boundaries.

The ECCNPCT serves as stewards and advocates of the East Cesar Chavez Neighborhood Plan. Learn more about us here; general information about City of Austin contact teams is available here.

Applicants for ECCNPCT leadership team membership must have attended at least 2 meetings within the 6-month period preceding an application for membership. Preference is given to residents and other eligible stakeholders who are involved in community organizations and/or neighborhood activities; informed about neighborhood issues; and display leadership potential. Members typically serve two-year (24-month) terms or more. Our bylaws provide more information about membership eligibility requirements and responsibilities.

To apply for a team leadership vacancy, please complete and submit an application to ECCNPCT Chair Kristen Heaney.

We are also recruiting non-voting members for ECCNPCT Action Committees, including our Affordable Housing, Crime and Safety, Historic Preservation, Land Use, Traffic and Transportation committees. If you are interested in joining a committee, contact the respective committee chair or your sector representative to learn about opportunities to get involved.