Category: General

  • Tejano Trails

    Thank you to Lori Renteria and Nadia Barrera of the City of Austin Urban Trails Program for coming to last night’s meeting with an update on the Tejano Trails progress, and to tell us about opportunities to participate with the Tejano Trails Steering Committee. If you’re interested in learning more keep an eye on their…

  • Planning Team Meeting:  Wednesday, May 20, 2015

    Planning Team Meeting: Wednesday, May 20, 2015

    The minutes from the ECC Planning Team monthly meeting held on Wednesday, May 20 from 6:00-8:45 p.m. at the Terrazas Public Library, 1105 E. Cesar Chavez Street are attached: ECCN Meeting Minutes (20 May 2015)

  • Feburary 18th, 2015 Meeting Agenda

    Feburary 18th, 2015 Meeting Agenda

    6:00    Introductions 6:05    Citizen Communication 6:20    Approval of Minutes Action Item: Approve the minutes from the October and January meetings. 6:25    Fill open representative vacancies Action Item: Elect a new members to Sector 6 Representative Nominations: None 6:35    Ken Johnson – Current Chair of ECCNPT to formally step down Action Item: Elect a new chair…

  • January 21, 2015 Meeting Agenda

    6:00    Introductions 6:05    Citizen Communication 6:20    Approval of Minutes Action Item: Approve the minutes from the October and December meetings. 6:25    New Officer Elections Action Item: Discuss and take action to elect new officers. 6:35    Elena Rodriguez and David Stauch – RBJ Update on RBJ improvements and development. 6:45    Dennis McDaniel and Richard Kooris –…

  • October 28th Community Input

    On Tuesday October 28th, El Buen Pastor Presbyterian Church is hosting a discussion of a proposed hotel development on Cesar Chavez from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Brian Carrico, the project developer, will present his project with proposed site plan and answer questions. Everyone from the community is invited to come ask questions or to…

  • October 15, 2014 Meeting Agenda

    6:00     Introductions 6:05     Citizen Communication 6:20     Approval of Minutes Action Item: Approve the minutes from the September meeting. 6:25     Brian Carrico – 1207 East Cesar Chavez future hotel Discuss proposed project Action Item: Discuss and take possible action for conditional use permit. 7:00     Greg Anderson – Discussion with Council Staff of a potential walkability study…

  • September 17, 2014 Meeting Agenda

    6:00     Introductions 6:05     Citizen Communication 6:20     Approval of Minutes Action Item: Approve the minutes from the August meeting. 6:25     Austin Hike and Bike Trail Discuss a proposed trail that will run through the east up to northeast of Austin. Action Item: Discuss and take possible action on new hike and bike trail. 6:45     1207 Cesar…

  • August 20, 2014 ECCNPT Meeting Agenda

    6:00     Introductions 6:05     Citizen Communication Scott Williams – 107 Brushy micro-lot 6:20     Approval of Minutes Action Item: Approve the minutes from the July meeting. 6:25     Scoot Inn Outdoor Music Venue Permit – Doug Guller Discussion of Scoot Inn’s outdoor music venue permit. Action Item: Discuss and take possible action to regarding Scoot Inn’s Outdoor Music…

  • July 16th, 2014 ECCNPT Meeting Agenda

    6:00 Introductions 6:05 Citizen Communication 6:20 Approval of Minutes Action Item: Approve the minutes from the June meeting.   6:25 Saltillo Plaza – Jason Tumlert – Endeavor Real Estate Group Introduction of the team and presentation of the project. 6:50 Q&A (10 minutes)   7:00 Festival Beach Food Forest – Elizabeth Walsh Presentation. 7:10 Q&A…

  • June 18th, 2014 ECCNPT Meeting at RBJ

    This months East Cesar Chavez Neighborhood Planning Team meeting is going to be held at RBJ Senior Center at 21 Waller St, Austin, TX 78702, in the meeting room.  Still at 6pm on Wednesday. Everyone is invited. We look forward to seeing you.