January 16, 2013 ECCNPT meeting agenda

East Cesar Chavez Neighborhood Planning Team

Terrazas Library, 1105 E. Cesar Chavez Street

Wednesday, January 16, 2013 from 6:00 PM-7:30 PM

Meeting Agenda


Round of Introductions.

6 PM Citizen Communications: 15 minutes maximum, first come, first served.

Committee Reports and Possible Action Items:

Treasurer’s report: Update from Treasurer.

Crime and Safety: Updates, if any.

Local Historic District: Updates, if any.

Land Use & Design Committee: Updates, if any.

Affordable housing:

  1. Renter’s representative report on RBJ rent increases.

Traffic and Transportation: Updates, if any.

Economic Development Committee: Updates, if any.

Education Committee: Updates, if any.

Communication Committee:

  1. Discuss and take possible action to update bylaws.

Tejano Walking Trail Committee:  Updates, if any.

Parks and Environment Committee: Updates, if any.

Fundraising Committee: Updates, if any.

Nominating Committee:

  1. Nominate and elect officers for 2013.

Approve minutes from last meeting.

Action Items:

  1. Discuss and take possible action in regards to the variance request at 1800 Holly.
  2. Update on RBJ development from Paul Saldana.
  3. Discuss and take possible action on a proposed amendment to the Saltillo TOD regarding entertainment use at 1100 E. 5th Street. Sergio Lozano and Richard Kooris will present their proposal for this property.
  4. Discuss and take possible action on proposed street closure on East 5th Street during SXSW.
  5. Discuss and take possible action on food trailer regulations along Cesar Chavez.
  6. Discuss and take possible action for alternate meeting times for June, September, October and December.


Confirm the next meeting is at 6 pm on February 20, 2012 at Terrazas Branch Library. Adjourn.