February 20, 2013 ECCNPT Meeting Agenda

ECCNPT Meeting 02/20/13 6pm

Round of Introductions.

6 PM Citizen Communications: 15 minutes maximum, first come, first served.

–          Leah Bojo, aide to Council Member Chris Riley, and Steve Grassfield, Parking Enterprise Manager for the City, will talk with us about parking issues in the ECC. She can tell us about options for generating parking revenue for the Neighborhood, and listen to any questions/concerns we have about parking.

Committee Reports and Possible Action Items:

Treasurer’s report: Update from Treasurer

Crime and Safety: Updates, if any.

Local Historic District:

–          Discuss the demolition permit request for 1300 Canterbury

Land Use & Design Committee:

–          Consider a proposed amendment to Austin’s Land Development Code.

  • Variance to decrease the minimum front street setback requirement from 25ft to 5 ft. to erect a detached carport – 1908 Riverview.
  • Variance to decrease the minimum rear yard setback from 10 ft. to 2.8 ft. in order to remodel an accessory structure to create a two- family residential use – 1504 Canterbury.
  • Variance to decrease the minimum side yard setback requirement from 5 ft. to 2 ft. 4 in along east property line in order to maintain a carport – 1800 Holly St. ( I think we voted to support this one in October.)

Affordable Housing Committee: Updates, if any.

Traffic and Transportation Committee: Updates, if any.

Economic Development Committee: Updates, if any.

Tejano Walking Trail Committee:  Updates, if any.

Communication Committee: Updates, if any.

Parks and Environment Committee: Updates, if any.

Approved minutes from last meeting.

Action Items:

  1. Discuss and take possible action regarding OMV permits for Cheer Up Charlies, ShangriLa, and Pine Street Station
  2. Discuss and take possible action to eliminate the newsletter as a standalone committee and move its actions to control of the Communications Committee (CC). And to empower the CC to pay for expenses related to renewing our domains ($100 +/- is due in March) and to expend up to $1,500 to replace the 3 plastic coverings, 6 cork boards and paper trims on the kiosks at 211 Comal, Terrazas Library and Plaza Saltillo and install 2 new or used enclosed bulletin boards at the kiosk recently relocated from the Garden  to the Hike and Bike Trailhead at Comal Street. (Notes: ads in The Grapevine are posted in these kiosks, maintenance could be paid for by ad sales. The ECC Treasurer will determine prior to purchase whether the Committee will be allowed to proceed.  Ad sales are anticipated to increase over the next year.)