June 17, 2015 Meeting Agenda


Meeting Agenda

East Cesar Chavez Neighborhood Planning Team

June 17, 2015 6:00PM

Terrazas Branch Library

1105 E. Cesar Chavez St., Austin, TX 78702

1. 6:00 Introductions

2. 6:05 Citizen Communications

3. 6:20 Approval of Minutes

4. 6:35 Update or Amend the ECC Neighborhood Plan:  Action Item: Discuss and take possible action regarding update or amendment to the ECC Neighborhood Plan.  Request the Land Use Committee schedule meeting to discuss the same.

5. 6:50 Daniel Llanes, 114 Linden Street: Lustre Pearl East Bar – Application for “Mixed Beverage with late Hours” Permit. Action Item: Discuss and take possible action regarding potentially filing a protest against the issuance of a “Mixed Beverage with late Hours” permit to the Lustre Pearl East Bar as requested by Daniel Llanes, chair of the Govalle/Johnston Terrace Neighborhood Contact Team.

6. 7:05 Land Use Committee: Action Item: Discuss and take possible action regarding two residents who have volunteered to serve as co-chairs of Land Use Committee (there is currently no chair) –  Gwen O’Barr and Lyon Gegenheimer.

7. 7:20 STR (Short Term Rental) Regulation: Action Item: Discuss ways to support residents struggling with STR violations of their neighbors.

8. 7:35 Gayle – 901 Spence St. Rezone to Commercial. Discussion of re-zoning 901 Spence St. to a commercial lot. Action Item: Discuss and take possible action on re-zoning 901 Spence St.

9. 7:50 Viva Streets Ciclovia: Action Item: Provide update regarding Viva Streets Ciclovia scheduled for September 13, 2015. Discuss potential support of Viva Streets Ciclovia

10. 8:00 Michael Casias, 1704 East Cesar Chavez. Action Item: Discuss and take possible action for Pinata Store

11. 8:15 Alberto Martinez, 1207 East Cesar Chavez. Action Item: Update regarding proposed East Side Hotel

12. 8:30 Adjourn