Category: Planning Team

  • May 16, 2012 ECCNPT Meeting Agenda

    Round of Introductions. 6 PM Citizen Communications: 15 minutes maximum, first come, first served. Committee Reports and Possible Action Items: Treasurer’s report: Update from Treasurer. Crime and Safety: Updates, if any. Local Historic District: Discuss and take possible action on design and purchase of commemorative tiles for Historic Home Tour participants. Land Use & Design…

  • Leadership Team Additions. Welcome New Members!

    In May, we elected Ken Johnson, a serving nonprofit representative, as our new secretary. Contact Ken if you have items to add to our meeting agenda (see the Get Involved page for more information). Thank you for your service, Ken! We elected Pilar Sanchez as our new Sector 1 residential representative.  Pilar works for the Housing…

  • A Message from our ECC Chairperson, Cristina Valdes

    Do you remember when you were younger and had to go to the grocery store with your mother? In my experience, it always took what seemed like an eternity to get back in the car because my mom knew so many people and stopped to talk to all of them. As a child, it was…

  • A Message from our ECC Chairperson, Cristina Valdes

    It is quite an honor to serve as the East Cesar Chavez Neighborhood Team’s new chairperson. I look forward to further contributing to the community and working towards achieving our neighborhood goals. Some of my personal goals for the year include improving the team’s web presence to better communicate with neighbors and area businesses, developing…